June 2024 UK Commercial Vehicle Manufacturing

CV production still strong despite supply chain-constrained first half year fall

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May 2024 UK Commercial Vehicle Manufacturing

Commercial vehicle production falls in May

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April 2024 UK Commercial Vehicle Manufacturing

CV manufacturing records best year to date since 2010 despite April fall

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March 2024 UK Commercial Vehicle Manufacturing

Best first quarter for CV production since 2008 despite March drop

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February 2024 UK Commercial Vehicle Manufacturing

UK commercial vehicle production boasts best February since 2008

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January 2024 UK Commercial Vehicle Manufacturing

CV output records best start to year since 2008

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December 2023 UK Commercial Vehicle Manufacturing

Exports drive CV production in best year since 2010

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November 2023 UK Commercial Vehicle Manufacturing

Best November for CV production since 2007

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October 2023 UK Commercial Vehicle Manufacturing

CV sector returns to growth in best October since 2008

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