“Even at this eleventh hour, we remain hopeful that a trade deal will be struck between the UK and EU”
The 81st President of SMMT, Dr George Gillespie OBE, Executive Chairman HORIBA MIRA, will serve a third term in 2021.
“The additional £3.6 billion to safeguard and create jobs is to be heralded, and ‘building back better’ means planning for long-term job security beyond the immediate Covid crisis”
“We share government’s ambition for leadership in decarbonising road transport and are committed to the journey.”
“Make no mistake, the automotive industry will not prosper from ‘no deal’. It would have a devastating impact on the sector, on the economy and on jobs in every region of Britain.”
“Any agreement must work for automotive so we need both sides to strike a deal that safeguards the global competitiveness of the sector and consumer choice in the market.”
“A comprehensive FTA with the EU that’s tariff and quota free is essential if we are to have any chance of recovery.”
“The Chancellor’s Job Support Scheme is welcome and should provide temporary relief for the automotive sector, which has been so badly hit by the pandemic.”
“This agreement should help foster a mutually beneficial automotive trade and investment relationship between the two countries.”
“It’s bitterly disappointing the Chancellor has stopped short of supporting the restart of one of the UK’s most important employers and a driver of growth.”